Monday, May 6, 2013

Live your life, document yourself living!

One of the reasons that I started this company was because of my grandmother's old photo albums.  The emotions you feel when looking back at memories of the people that you love is unmatched (topped only by living them first hand!)  It's amazing to see how your son looks just like his grandfather did, how grandma's pants are now back in style or how the love of two people can fill a photo album with so many brand new faces. 

That being said - I have hundreds of pictures of my children on my computer hard drives and in frames on my walls.  About 50% of them include my husband.  49% are of my children by themselves.  Which leaves maybe 1% that include me...maybe.  Why?  Everyone wants pictures with their hair perfect, gorgeous makeup and skinnier than highschool - but is that realistic?  When my children look back on photos of me are they going to say - 'Wow, wish mom would have lost those 20 lbs before those family photos'?  (I sure as heck hope not, or else I am making even bigger mistakes in parenting than I thought!)  They aren't going to care that I needed a haircut, or that I was missing eyeliner - but they will notice if I am missing completely.   

So here it is - my challenge to myself (Please join with me!)  to forget the makeup, forget the hair, forget the weight.  To make myself visible in an album for my grandchildren and great grandchildren to look through.  And an added bonus - when I get old, gray and my mind gets (even more!) hazy, I will rely on these images to help pull me back to today and yesterday.  To remember what it felt like to hold my grown babies for the first time or a day at the park or the zoo - or just plain being together in the living room. 

Live your life, document yourself living.  Let people know that you were here.

Leaving here with my favorite quote from the great Ansel Adams.  "When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.  When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence."


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